Starting point in astrological prognostications is the astrological chart commonly constellations. It is essential that the chart is accurate and correctly delineated. Requires contact with false positives and determine the accuracy and to avoid pronouncements. These days, a computer error, Horoscopes, and they tend to be very common.
Required to input three stars, - the time of birth, date of birth and birth place is in the cast. Time of birth of rectification can be made only by an expert on astrology. That enabled him to correct time of birth, along with the timing of the events that are past. Sometimes, there take place at night, are confused about the date when you were born. In the past, in India, the last sunrise, sunrise, which was regarded as the next weekday. During the war, the clock was advanced for the time period of the other. Sometimes, we took our time this year will be given. Such an essential element of knowledge about astrology. Rated manually casting an astrologer should not be one of the ignorant.
The two books are essential. Ephemeris and the standard of one another, Rafael House, the "Table" is. 3 of the rules of the process, the hardness of the planet will be in the time and date of birth. Rahu (Caput), for mean shadow planet, longitude is considered. Ketu (Cauda), another opposite position of a shadow planet Rahu is in the diagonal. They also called Karmic planet. The Rahu - Ketu axis is important in the prognostications. What planet are backing the notes must not forget that the astrologer. Depending on the placement of a retrograde planet, the chart provides different results. 'ayanamsa' or is not moving forward. If you do not need to Nirayana Ephemeris ayanamsa stars or the Earth and everything is based on the deduction. If you are given time to standard time, the longitude and latitude of the place of birth to determine the authenticity of a birth.Find. The authenticity of the birth of stars to determine whether the longitude and time, make any necessary corrections. Longitude west and east can not. Using this information, sign up (ascendent) Rafael tables.Again of three of the rules of the universe applied to calculate the cusp kkeuteuleul notes. Table, and 11 days of the 10th and 12th houses from contraction to expansion is to move. If the Equal House system, the expansion from contraction of the ascendent, and enough to move to 10. Sayana or Tropical system in the table, ayanamsa Go to the expansion from contraction to expansion from a contraction Nirayana or move to the star can be deducted.
A basic birth chart, the balance of DASA 'are ready at birth is to be calculated from the longitude of the moon. This system is generally followed by "Vimshottari", ie, 120 nyeonjugiyida. 'Or condition of life is dominant DASA' one of the state. This study in the ups and downs of India's astrology Christmas. Astrology is the practice in Western direction. Also, astrology is used by India's' Gochara 'or dominant planets longitude. In addition, repayments also go to the gochara '' combined with Ashtakavarga '(8 areas). The other derived calculations' bar ',' balas', 'arudha' including
Rabu, 08 Juli 2009
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